Band Boosters

Band Booster Resources

If you have a student enrolled in any of the bands at Washington High School, then you are a member! We are a group of parents committed to enhancing the experience of our band students by:

- Providing and organizing volunteers for various band activities

- Facilitating communication between our band directors and our band parents

-Managing fundraisers for students to help offset the cost of band activities

- Advocating for the band program to the greater Sioux Falls community

Why get involved? The parents are fun, the kids are a blast, and the music is superb. You can take on a big role or be an occasional volunteer – or even just come to our meetings and listen to what’s going on in the band program. Band Booster meetings are held the second Monday of the month at 7 PM in the band room (no meeting in June).

We’d love to see you there!

In the late summer and fall, you’ll see dozens of parents helping out the Warrior Marching Band: fitting uniforms, making costumes, flags, and props for the color guard, moving percussion equipment for performances, chaperoning, providing refreshments for long bus rides and helping the kids and the directors do whatever has to be done.

For the full band season, parents can help with stands, chairs, ticket sales, and other support roles for concerts, fundraisers, and events.

​Parents may provide support for concerts, clean the stands at Howard Wood Field, and even help work concessions at basketball games. The Sioux Falls Washington High School Band Boosters are also often looking for active parents to fill committee chair or executive committee positions.

For those interested in chaperoning, please fill out the form below and return it to Mr. Kenny. All unsupervised volunteers (including chaperones) must complete a background check. The online form is accessible below.

The annual Festival of Bands USA (FOB) marching band competition brings in nearly 15,000 students and spectators, and requires plenty of adult -- and student -- volunteers!

Learn more about FOB volunteer jobs below, and stay tuned for sign-up times as the event approaches.

For inquiries and more information about volunteering and the WHS Band Boosters, please email us through the link below.

President- Angie Maag

Vice President - Bobby and Cory Brasel

Past Co-Presidents - Casey and Judee Kleinsasser

Treasurer – Heather DeWit

Secretary – Liz Fladmark

Members at Large – Dawn Taborda

Chaperones – Lisa Rath and Judee Kleinsasser

Indoor Show Pancake Dinner and Fundraiser - Allie Alvine and Lisa Rath

Concessions - Liz and Lars Fladmark

Festival of Bands Chair – Angie Maag, Bobby and Cory Brasel

Fundraising - Band Cards - Liz Fladmark

Fundraising - Hy-Vee Cards & Batteries – Liz and Lars Fladmark

Fundraising – RaiseRight Cards - Linda Weidner

Fundraising General – Brenda Lawrence

Newsletter – Diane Roberson Douiyssi

Parent Preview Dinner – Volunteer Needed

Pit Crew – Lars Fladmark and Jaron DeWit

Social Media/Publicity - Diane Roberson Douiyssi

Spirit Wear - Andrea Smith

Student Accounts - Naomi O'Malley

Uniforms – Shantel Larsen


2024-2025 Band Booster Executive Committee

2024-25 Band Booster Committee Chairs

If interested in joining our Pit Crew, contact Lars Fladmark at the link below.